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Bottesford Primary School

Bottesford Primary School

Acorns Before and After School Club

Mrs Julie Browne, Mrs Ros Morton, Miss Lynn Buxton and Miss Ellie Mead welcome you to Acorns

Breakfast Club

7.30am to 8.45am - £5.00

Includes toast/cereals and juice 

Activities before school include games, crafts, reading and general socialising with friends.  A member of Acorns staff will escort the children to their classes in time for registration.

After School Club

3.15pm to 5pm - £10

or 3.15pm to 6pm - £12

Includes healthy snacks & light tea 

Children are collected by and welcomed back to Acorns after their school day is finished by a member of Acorns staff.  

Outdoor sport/games, arts & crafts and arts and crafts are available for your child to participate in.   We usually have a special school project to get involved in.  We also provide a quiet area and support, if needed, to complete homework.  


Please book and pay for ACORNS sessions in advance using the IRIS ParentMail App

We are happy to accept Childcare vouchers and request that these are paid into the school bank account before the session is taken. Please contact the school office to make arrangements.

Account details for childcare vouchers are:

Bank Account No: 18023968

Sort Code: 30-93-58

Please use your child's initial and surname as a reference on all payments.

Registration Form

Before your child attends their first session at Acorns, please complete the registration form below and return it to the school office:

Paper copies of the forms are available from the school office.  

Charging Policy and Cancellations

Our Charging Policy is below. 

To allow Acorns to operate effectively, please be aware that refunds will not be provided for cancellations due to illness, holidays or change in families' arrangements.  We are not able to move bookings or change dates.  The only circumstance in which refunds will be provided is if school is closed. 


Acorns Holiday Clubs 

Acorns usually offers holiday clubs during October half-term, Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays.   The details will vary, but the days usually run from 8a.m. until 6pm.  Snacks are provided but children will need to bring their own packed lunch. 

Information will be provided to Parents and Carers by email closer to the time. 

Prices for 2024 are £35 per day.

Bookings are made via Parentmail > Payments > Shop 

Please contact the school office if you need any further information.