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Bottesford Primary School

Bottesford Primary School

Ash Class

Ash Class Banner. Long oblong green pill shape with a circle on the left hand side containing a cartoon drawn tree


Mrs Jacobs

Hello, I am Mrs Jacobs and I will be one of your teachers in Ash Class.

I love running, being outdoors and reading stories.  I am looking forward to getting to know you all in Ash Class.  

To contact Mrs Jacobs please call the office or email: 


Mrs Killen-Smith 

Hello, I am Mrs Killen Smith and I will be one of your teachers in Ash Class. 

I love playing tennis, singing and drawing pictures.  I am really looking forward to having lots of fun with you in Ash Class.  

To contact Mrs Killen Smith, please call the school office or email her at:


Mrs Johnson

Hello,  I am Mrs Johnson and I am the Early Years Learning Support Assistant.  I will be helping Mrs Jacobs and Mrs Killen-Smith in Ash Class. 

I love playing games and doing crafts.  I can't wait to get to know you all in Ash Class.



a cartoon picture of an apple tree. The tree has a brown trunk with a large mass of green leaves that look like a cloud. apples are red on the tree.  ©No copyright

Welcome to Ash Class

We would like to say a big Hello! to all of our families with children joining Ash Class.

Before your child starts school, you will receive a welcome pack with lots of information, and you will be invited to our Parents' Welcome Meeting, but if you have any questions, please let us know. 

Daily checklist

  • Coat - the children will spend time outside every day so please send them with a waterproof and warm coat.  
  • Water bottle - please send your child with a water bottle.  No juice please - it gets very messy!
  • Reading book and reading record!  Please make sure that your child brings these to school every day.  
  • Show and Tell.  The children love to take part in our Show and Tell sessions. The children will each have a day allocated to them for their Show and Tell, so please check with your teacher to find out which day your child should bring in their Show and Tell item.


If you need any more information, please speak to the teachers, or contact Mrs Roberts on

School Dinners

We like all of our children to join us for school dinners,  Every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 currently receives a universal free school meal.  To book a meal for your child, please use the Parentmail app - see below.  

Please see our school dinner menu for the options available. 


Pupil Premium


If you receive benefits, your child may be eligible for Free School Meals and extra money from the government to support their experience at school.   For more information and a link to the short application form, please visit our Pupil Premium page   

Communication and Online Payments

We ask parents and carers to sign up for three apps to support our communication and payment system.  


Class Dojo 

Class Dojo - please ask your child's teacher for your registration code. 

You will receive messages and photos from your class teachers plus school notices about events.

IRIS Parentmail 

IRIS Parentmail - you will receive an email inviting you to register for Parentmail. 

You will need this app to make bookings and payments for school dinners and Acorns Before and After School Club


Arbor - this is our school Management Information System.  You will receive an email request to register for Arbor.

Parents can update their child's details, book parents evenings, and update parental consents.  You will also receive school emails via Arbor.